Sunday, September 26, 2004

It will be different this time

i'm not going to let this be time number 80 when i get screwed over by a girl and let it slide by just swimming it off.
I'm taking a stand
i'm going to resolve this...

because friendships stand in the balance


Shamae. said...

Good job, cam. After all that is done. Then we can ALL eat ice cream and watch a movie. or we could, you know...punch stuff. or swim.

wheatable said...

Dude, that is the quote of the year.

Paint it on your wall.

In RED paint.

Sara said...

well that did sound really inspirational i hope if you dont that someone does paint it on their wall and read it every day and be engergized hahaha
but my only complaint is that i wish i knew what you were talking about... lol

Cam Cam said...

Wow. I really wasn't expecting that much possitive feedback. Thanks for your support everyone

Shamae. said...

**negative feedback** You're fat and your mom's a lesbian....Do you know what I realized? I can say that to you, because you're skinny and your mom is married. duh, if someone said that to me, I'd probably go cry...Then eat ice cream with Nyna.

wheatable said...

I need some RED paint... yum.

Shamae. said...

duh, nyna/nina. I'd get my own ice cream...duh.