Thursday, February 10, 2005

Just Thinking

Underwater tear
Originally uploaded by just call me hot.
I think too much.... I'm begining to think I'm growing to be self concious... which I don't like. Also I am fed up with saying things I can't take back... so I'm going to talk less. So with me over complicating and oververbalizing everything...

I think too much...
and I talk too much


Sara said...

you know everyone says things they dont mean, right?.. and unfortunately it usually happens to the people you care about most...but if by chance you do say things that you do not mean, it doesnt mean you quit talking! gosh if everybody did that we'd have a world full of mutes.

dont beat yourself up for saying something stupid. it happens to everyone, and if you think you are an exception to that, then you need a big kick in the hindquarters!!!

sure there are some things that are harder to take back, and there are a few ones that seem impossible. but to sit there and wallow in self pity refusing to talk doesnt help at all. if you said something you wish you could take back, you have to show that person that you are sorry, even if they wont listen.

if you try your best to rectify whatever happened, there's no more anyone can ask of you.

be happy footnote... its only teenage drama... it will pass


Shamae. said...


Shexpeare said...

Ur awesome sara. And.....Its true. I say things I dont meant to the people I care most about. its really really unfortunate.

Sara said...

spank you