So we go to "The Malte Shop" in Provo... Me and Jenesse are hanging out while Chase, Mette, Sousa, Tasha, and Emily are enjoying the car wash and this crazy couple keeps talking to me about how I chose good music on the jukebox. We got to talking to him and he was the freaking coolest. So then the rest of the "funky Bunch" comes filing in and we're talking to the guy and he was giving us some of his onion rings and stuff... this guy was the stud to end all studs and so he tells us that he was playing at acoustic night at a club and that he proposed to the girl he was on a date with. He said he didn't have a ring and he hadn't asked her father or anything yet. So we made him put an onion ring on her finger, and then we started a song on the jukebox and announced to everyone that that it was for the recently engaged and made them dance... we finished up and left, but then went back and gave them addresses and such to make sure they invite us to their wedding... they swore they would.
It was freaking awesome