Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I hate the stupid game anyway.

You are Voldo -

OK...Voldo's just retarded, but he also happens to be the funniest damn video game character EVER!
Your unconventional humor and love for the retarded makes you the perfect Voldo.
Unexplained behavior, interesting clothing, and a wicked sense of humor is what makes you the life
of any party! In the game, Voldo happens to be blind, deaf, and mute. Through your eagerness to
make people laugh, you may hurt people a long the way due to lack of senses. Be careful not to
bash on other wierdos, and you'll be everybody's favorite character.

Which Soul Calibur character are you?

this quiz was made by david park


Shamae. said...


Shexpeare said...

The great thing is, you totally stand like that picture is standing.

I told you so.
HAHAHAHAH! :) I Love you cam!

Sara said...

interesting... thats quite the get-up hes got on i wonder if you'd look like that too

i bet u would... he looks pretty lanky there

Sara said...

hey member i told you about my ex who insists on saying crap about our religion... well i found out he has a blog now drummerboy1914 and i guess he had another mormons-are-bad episode and he wrote some crap titled "an interesting look at mormon theology".....



still stupid.