Friday, September 03, 2004

Double stupid choir teacher and stupid miss vance.

yeah... i'm not on shakespeare. Does anyone know why i'm not on shakespear? i will tell you. BECAUSE THE STUPID EFFING CHOIR TEACHER GAVE A BIG PART!!!!!! not that i'm upset or anything, it's just i wish i was doing shakespeare instead becasue i HATE doing musicals, the are the craps and need to die lots o times. so now i don't get to go on tour, and i have to sing in front of everyone. (the anger... it flows)


wheatable said...

okay. stop whining and while your at it... just stop speaking.

first of all, if you hate musicals why the DEVIL did you try out? your the dumb one, not the choir teacher.

second of all- you can still go on shakespeare- just as an observer, so chill.

and on the glass full side of things- the musical is going to rock hard core (but only if you want it to) your going into it with a bad attitude- what you need to realize is that musicals are way fun- soo much fun that even the musically retarded want to try out for them (eh hum- me... even though i didnt because i didnt want to screw my chances with shakespeare, which you did...)

so this is me laughing at you, scolding you, telling you to shut up, and then giving you a big hug of congradulations. i will be on the front row opening night buddy. CHEERS!

wheatable said...

Sorry Asay.

Yea, that constitutes for about four more nights under the guest room bed.

Thanks Jenesse.

I will still be on the front row opening night.