Thursday, November 11, 2004


There is nothing in the world more therapeutic than the rain. Absolutely nothing. It is so cleansing and refreshing. When you stand out in the rain, its almost like you are being reborn in a way. It is a time when you can forget everything else in the world, all your sorrows and hardships, and can just....exist in the moment. For a time, nothing else matters. You are one with the water droplets and wind and clouds. The trickling and splattering of the rain on the sidewalks and grass diverts your attention away from the lingering, troubled thoughts. You can allow yourself to be entranced by the soothing sound and let all the tension from your muscles flow out of your fingertips. When you are finally to a stage of complete relaxation, you can let your imagination take over and be anyone or anywhere. You can be in a state of perfection.

Anything can happen in this other world. People you love that are gone can return again. People that you have always wanted to be friends with but have never gotten up the courage to speak to, are suddenly there taking you by the hand and leading you on an adventure of a lifetime. People that once were your friend but betrayed you, yet you miss them so much, are there telling you its okay and promising they will never going to hurt you again. You can love yourself for who you are, and not be afraid of what other people will think. You don't have to be so torn about where you are suppose to live, or what will happen when you leave those you care about. You don't have to be constantly counting down the days, waiting for life to improve a little. You won't feel left out and looked down on. You won't harbor so much hatred for people who are everything you ever wanted to be because you realize that your life is exactly what you need, and you are finally thankful for it. The people who attempt to control everyone's lives and make a point to destroy your own happiness when they don't get what they want, won't exist any longer. They are simply erased from the face of the world. The ones we love who allow themselves to be controlled by those people so much so, to the point of hurting you and then blaming you for it, are suddenly in control. They know who they are, and what they want, and they don't have to say what they think people want to hear.

All these things and more can happen when we let the rain wash over us. Our dreams have room to grow and blossom into a kind of reality. We can find our hope again. We can renew our faith. We can believe that life is worth living, and find gratitude for, not only the good times, but also the bad.

The rain gives us a time to collect ourselves and to renew our sense of who we are and where we want to end up. It is inspiring, it is intriguing, it is ethereal, and it is pure. It is heaven's way of crying with us. It is heaven's way of celebrating. It is God's way of letting us know that He's there, and He is listening and He loves us.

1 comment:

Shamae. said...

wow, if you could put a rain dance into words... that would have to be it.

I wish it was raining now.